Birth control & safe sex
Birth control & safe sex, you will find practical information written by experts about birth control & safe sex in text, video and images. You will also be able to ask your questions or comments in each article so that our community can help you.
6 articles

Male condoms are a highly effective option for people looking to reduce the probability of pregnancy and the risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases during sexual intercourse. However, there are many other contraceptive alternatives that can offer a similar protective guarantee this time targeted to...

low difficulty
low difficulty
Condoms, when used correctly, protect you from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. It is not difficult to use them well, but remember a few tips when the time comes to put a condom on.

The human body works in a very complex way, so it's normal to have doubts in certain situations, especially when it comes to sex. Importantly, if you do not want to get pregnant, the best solutions is to use protection: condoms and contraception are the only alternatives which, when used properly, provide...

low difficulty
Whether for an unexpected trip, an upcoming romantic rendezvous or simply because you want to alter your menstrual cycle, it's possible to bring your period forward, thus changing the approximate date of its scheduled arrival. Although you might think your health could be affected by doing this, provided...

medium difficulty
When we're not planning on being mothers, missing a period in your menstruation can be a big worry. But a possible pregnancy is not the only reason we may have irregular periods. If you are certain you're not pregnant, but your period is still not here on the right date, would like to explain...

low difficulty
Has your period been due for a couple of days but hasn’t started yet? Do you feel abdominal, stomach and period pains but your flow hasn’t begun? First of all, it's important to stay calm; there are many causes that can explain why your menstruation period hasn’t yet started. Stress, weather and illness are...