Libido on women

How to Increase Libido after Menopause Naturally

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: February 25, 2021
How to Increase Libido after Menopause Naturally

There are ways to increase libido after menopause naturally. The cessation of menstruation due to a decrease in the production of female hormones, known as menopause, is for many women one of the most feared life stages. The annoying symptoms represent big changes in the lives of those who experience them. Those can also affect their partners as they often notice a decreased sexual appetite. But at we want to give you some tips so you know how to increase libido after menopause naturally.

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How to increase libido after menopause naturally: the hormone way

Reduced sexual desire during menopause is often due to the decrease in the production of hormones. In this case it is advisable to consult your doctor about the issue and assess the possibility of of having HRT which could help combat your loss of libido.

Now, let's come to the natural way to increase libido after menopause. You can try maca, a Peruvian herb that is said to help greatly with sexual desire, as it strengthens hormone production.

Another option you have to increase libido after menopause naturally is Chinese medical herbs that stimulate hormones. You should always see a certified Chinese doctor for that purpose.

How to increase libido after menopause naturally: lubrication

During menopause it is also common to suffer from vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy, which are interconnected and make many women feel uncomfortable before penetration. This problem can be solved with the use of vaginal lubricants that facilitate penetration and remove any discomfort. You can pick up some tips to combat vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy and significantly improve this condition.

How to increase libido after menopause naturally: exercise

Aside from hormone replacement therapy, some habits could help increase libido after menopause naturally. It is important to practice cardiovascular physical activities as these encourage and increase blood flow through the body, including the sexual organs which is necessary for a fulfilling sex life.

How to increase libido after menopause naturally: diet

Watch your diet and eat foods rich in vitamin B and zinc which are believed to benefit sexual appetite and increase libido after menopause, these include peppers, ginger, oysters, shrimp and spicy condiments.

Some supplements such as Chyawanprash and Gingko Biloba can also stimulate sexual desire, talk to your herbalist about it.

How to increase libido after menopause naturally: get help

Consult a specialist on the subject, either talk to your gynecologist or a sexologist who can guide you through this life stage. Do not feel bad about talking about this issue because a large percentage of women face the same problems as you, the difference is in how women successfully overcome the problem and continue to have a sexually active life.

So, there are ways to increase libido after menopause, try them!

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How to Increase Libido after Menopause Naturally