Sex & relationships

How to Masturbate for the First Time - Boys

How to Masturbate for the First Time - Boys

Masturbation is a natural way to pleasure yourself and explore some of your deepest fantasies. It is normal during adolescence for both boys and girls to start getting to know their bodies and arousing themselves with different stimuli. It is at this time when masturbation comes to mind as the best way to find pleasure. But many boys wonder how to masturbate for the first time, so at oneHOWTO we give you some good advice to help you learn everything you need to know about this topic with pictures.

You may also be interested in: How to Masturbate for the First Time - Girls

Steps to follow:


The first thing you need to know is that masturbation is completely natural. It is not harmful or hurtful in any way. You are not violating any moral or ethical rule, nor is there any problem with exploring your body and seeking to please yourself. Masturbating will allow you to achieve the following benefits:

  • It allows you to get to know your body better: Masturbating is a good way to discover what feels pleasurable for you, so that when you come to have sex for the first time, you have some idea of what you like.
  • It reduces stress: when we masturbate, the pleasure we receive during the process and the final ecstasy we experience during orgasm allows us to reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  • It helps control ejaculation: Getting to know your body will allow you to know when you are going to ejaculate and, therefore, will reduce the chances of premature ejaculation while having sex with your partner.

In this oneHOWTO article we tell you more about the benefits of masturbation that will help change your perspective on the subject and feel more comfortable when masturbating.


The first step to masturbate for boys the first time, is to choose a quiet place for your first time masturbating. The ideal thing is to be calm, without feeling nervous or scared that someone will find you. A good place is your room or your bathroom, at a time of day when you know that no one can interrupt you.

In any case, we advise you to wash your hands before starting. Why? If you have been out and about during the rest of the day and have been in contact with other people, your hands will be full of bacteria and dirt, so we don't want to touch our privates with dirty hands, do we? Once you have washed them, you can relax and start to masturbate for the first time.


There are all sorts of things that you can do to arouse yourself and make your penis become erect. Many guys opt for pornographic photos or videos, whilst others prefer to use their imagination. Whatever the case, focus on what will generate enough excitement to give you a good erection. While thinking of or looking at these images you can start stroking your penis with either hand. This will help to enhance the sensitivity in your penis so you enjoy masturbating more.

In this picture you can see how a penis changes from normal state to erect.

How to Masturbate for the First Time - Boys - Step 3

Once your penis is hard and larger than its usual size, you can begin to masturbate. With the hand you use most often, grasp the shaft of your penis. Hold it firmly but not too tightly, you should not feel discomfort or pain. Close your hand to completely hold your penis.

Now, you can start stimulation. Friction is what generates all the pleasure you experience in sex, and this is what you will create with your hand. Move your hand up and down the shaft of your penis, starting gently and then speeding up as you become more aroused and your penis starts to secrete a clear liquid (a natural lubricant).


The more focused you are on what arouses you while you masturbate for the first time, the easier it will be to ejaculate. The idea is to experiment and find out which is the speed that words best for you. You can gently stroke your glans (the head of your penis) and then return to stimulating the shaft with your hand. Just before you ejaculate, you will feel your whole body relax. You'll notice something rising up inside your penis, and that's the moment when you need to grab a piece of paper, a towel, etc., to catch the semen as you ejaculate in order to not make a mess everywhere.

If you are not releasing any liquid when you have an orgasm, don't worry. This is normal. Some boys don't ejaculate within the first years of masturbating. Most boys only begin to ejaculate between the ages of 12 and 15. It will come with time.

How to Masturbate for the First Time - Boys - Step 5

Although the technique is always the same, there are many ways to masturbate. For example, you may want to use a lubricant to make your penis more slippery. As you explore and find one that gives you the most pleasure, the important thing is to not be afraid. To help with this we've left some tips in this article to make masturbation more enjoyable and help you have a great time.

Your whole body will relax right before you ejaculate, you will notice how something is advancing though your internal penile conduct, this is a good time to get hold of a piece of paper, a towel, etc; so you can ejaculate on it and not stain your sheets or bedroom.

If you want to read similar articles to How to Masturbate for the First Time - Boys, we recommend you visit our Sentimental relationships category.

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thank you
Good guide
Peter Griffin
Lois I'm cumming
Alex de
I am 13 and tried masturbating but the natural lubricant never appeared , it's my first time and i did all the steps , i tried everything for an hour and a half and no result...did I do something wrong ?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Alex,

As with many of the comments here, you may simply need to be patient. Don't overdo it and only continue if it is pleasurable. If not, try again in the future when it feels natural.
I start to ejaculating and then I stop because it don't fill good no more what do I do.
after I masturbate my body becomes so calm and I can sleep better masturbation fixed my sleeping prroblem
Im 14 and everytime it starts tingling, my entire body shakes for a few secs and im kinda paralyzed. I also never get semen out. Is that normal?
yes it is
uhm im not ejaculating but it feels great it gives that good feeling chill every 30 or so seconds does anyone have a tip on the ejaculating thing
do you mean is anyone uncircumcised
You didn't told about pain while masturbating first time as the foreskin is tight when u try for first time, tell this also how to avoid pain and open your penis.
Can I use spit for lube?
OneHowTo Editor
Hi Skyler,

Although saliva can work as a temporary lube, it is not very effective and will dry out quickly. More importantly, it can introduce bacteria from your mouth into the penis. This poses some risk of infection.
thanks for being so nice to the other people here
Eddie Barron
Hey am 10 and its not white but clear ejectulations and it does feel really good.
yeah im 11 but ima start today, am i too young?
Rather not say
When I do it it’s great but just before I cum (a clear liquid on my case) like it feels like im about to pee rly bad and then I stop bc I’m scared. Is this normal, how do I overcome it. Im 11 btw
Well it's normal for that to happen , the feeling is the same like when you pee , so just think like you pee and get a tissue so you don't make a mess and just release in the tissue , it's very normal for this to happen.
useful article
My partner is doing masturbation for 1st time and his ejaculation didn't stop from last night to now and little blood came out...what should he do?
When i did this i felt a tingly sensation that made me stop
i am 15 and havent gotten semen yet (even by doin this) , so now wht i get more and more scared day by day for some reason
it's ok bro, you probably just a late bloomer
Hey there! I am a 13 yr old boy and i sm teying to ejaculate about everday but i cant seem to succes. Ive had 2 wet dreams when i was 12 but havmt had the in a while now... when i masturbate i always start peeing, is this normal?
Yes it is, it happened to me to man so dont worry. Old comment but yeah its normal. Not sure why tho.
when i masterbate after a wile my body trys to do some thing with my muscles in my body and i feel going and nothing happens. can you give me guidence by the way i am 13.
ill almost turn 13 and i tried to do what you told me to do, it worked fine, BUT i didn't manage do ejaculate, i mean, sometimes i do, sometimes i don't, is my ding dong on cooldown or what? is there a limit for a day?

oh and why does the tip of the ding dong have a red area, and why my red area isn't on the surface normally (even when i get hard), and if i do cum, its just a drop, and it isn't even white, it's more grey-ish stuff, it doesn't smell like cum, but it is sticky, when you're at that point of pre-ejaculation, it feels soooo good, for 3 seconds, then, you cum or your hand gets tired of back and forth, it happens to me

please respond to me, i don't wanna talk about my parents about sexuality because it's sooo awkward. so gimme sum' tips for next time
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How to Masturbate for the First Time - Boys