Talking about sex

Guide to Long Distance Sex

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: July 10, 2017
Guide to Long Distance Sex

The ideal scenario is that of a couple to be in proximity, either living in the same city, in nearby neighborhoods or by sharing an apartment. However, there is another reality in the world of couples. Many people for one reason or other become physically separated, living in different cities, different countries and even other continents. In this scenario maintaining sexual intimacy seems impossible, but thanks to new technologies this doesn't need to be the case. There are a series of apps that can help you and your partner keep in touch when you're far from each other, which can help you maintain intimacy. Want to know more? Next in oneHOWTO we give you the keys to long distance sex.

You may also be interested in: How to Have Phone Sex the Proper Way
  1. Talk about long distance love making
  2. The old fashioned phone sex
  3. Spicy pictures
  4. Have sex through Skype
  5. Always go one step further
  6. Imagination is key
  7. Not only for long long distance

Talk about long distance love making

Long distance sex might seem like a taboo for both of you, something strange people did, but the truth is that it is increasingly common thanks to new technologies that enable such contact over long distances. Why not overcome the initial embarrassment and talk about long distance love making with your partner?

It's not that hard, and we assure you your partner will be wanting to spice up your long distance relationship too. There is nobody that knows your partner better than you do, so it's as easy as knowing the best way to suggest such a thing according to his/her character. At oneHOWTO we think it's best to talk things through before trying it as your partner may have a bit of a shock and it's best to set the mood and the anticipation may even turn you on more!

The old fashioned phone sex

Phone calls are a great way to create an erotic atmosphere, get your partner going by telling him or her about things you know they want to hear. Tell him or her about what you are doing, play at getting excited with words and stimulate yourselves while the other listens, this will help keep the fun and the flame of passion alive.

If you have never had phone sex, we advise you to read our oneHOWTO article on how to have phone sex the proper way so you know both what to do and what to expect.

Guide to Long Distance Sex - The old fashioned phone sex

Spicy pictures

Smart phones have opened new opportunities for long distance sex, becoming an important tool. Send a suggestive and provocative photo, something spicy and an erotically charged message is the strategy used by many to feel sexually closer to their partner. Play with text, pictures, and dare yourselves while turning the other person on. This can even be foreplay for actual phone sex or video chat sex.

Remember to only send spicy pictures if you trust your partner 100% and you have agreed to certain terms, as it can be pretty easy for pictures to start spreading around nowadays.

Have sex through Skype

Web cams or programs like Skype have also become allies for couples who must be far apart. Not only do they allow daily communication but also act as a visual tool that lend themselves to long distance sex allowing couples to play to new limits. The trick is not to be shy, to suggest rather than to show directly and to know exactly the parts of your body your partner likes, what he/she loves you doing to them and for both of you to be active and interact with each other. The more creative you are the more you'll enjoy long distance sex. You can play games like online strip poker to make things easier or ask your partner to take of a certain item at a time. This will definitely set the mood.

Guide to Long Distance Sex - Have sex through Skype

Always go one step further

It is clear that these devices can not replace physical contact but they are helpful to handle the distance and make couples feel connected. Overcome your own limitations and try it out, it can be great fun.

Remember you always have the help of sex toys. Don't feel shy using them, it may even turn your partner on even more to see you using it, imagining it is him/her. So think dildos, vibrators, artificial vaginas and other devices that will enhance the pleasure of long distance sex for you both. Take a look at our list of favorite sex toys you'll love to use during long distance sex. Another great ideas is to actually make a (professional) mold out of your sexual organ and send it to your partner as the perfect gift, just remember to do this with material that is specifically designed for such purpose or there could be accidents.

Imagination is key

In addition to daring and experimenting with all the tools for long distance sex there are a further two important elements: the power of word and imagination. It will serve to strengthen the ties that bond you and learn what scenes or sexual practices that you have carried out are most pleasurable to your partner, when you see each other you will not doubt in knowing what to do.

You can even start certain games that will make everything even more exciting. You can go for role playing and act out your partner's favorite fantasy on the phone.

Not only for long long distance

Even if you and your partner are not separated but simply one of you has been absent for a few days or weeks, to experience this kind of sex can be very pleasurable and can become a way of preparing a explosive encounter on return.

If you want to read similar articles to Guide to Long Distance Sex, we recommend you visit our Sentimental relationships category.


  • Enjoy long distance sex creatively and show your partner that when you meet again the sensuality and eroticism will not have cooled
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Guide to Long Distance Sex