Tools for sex

What are the Most Popular Sex Toys

Mary Smith
By Mary Smith. Updated: January 16, 2017
What are the Most Popular Sex Toys

Sex toys are objects that are as much made for pleasuring a couple as for masturbation. Although it is a taboo subject for some, many are not afraid to admit their preference for certain toys in order to get a little more out of every encounter. If you do not know much about the subject, we at OneHowTo will tell you what the most popular sex toys are.

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  1. First of all, why use them?
  2. Dildos, the overwhelming favourites
  3. Ben Wa balls, a healthy pleaser
  4. Clitoral stimulators
  5. Penis rings, enjoyment for both
  6. Educate yourself and don't be afraid to enjoy it

First of all, why use them?

Many think that sex toys are the favourite tools of those who do not enjoy sex or of girls who struggle to achieve an orgasm, but these claims are not true. When you're alone sex toys are a great way of getting to know your body and its greatest pleasure points. For a couple, they allow exploration, intimacy and new possibilities for enjoyment, and there are always interesting options for those who like variety.

Dildos, the overwhelming favourites

They come in many materials and shapes, from those intended for simple anal or vaginal penetration to those for couples seeking stimulation of the G-spot, like vibrators, those that heat up with body contact, retractable ones, etc. There are so many possibilities that the dildo has become the sex toy of choice for both men and women who love to see each other writhe with euphoria.

What are the Most Popular Sex Toys - Dildos, the overwhelming favourites

Ben Wa balls, a healthy pleaser

For women, one of the most popular sex toys are Ben Wa balls. Though not all girls are willing to use them, this device also offers the possibility of exercising the muscles of the pelvic area.

What are the Most Popular Sex Toys - Ben Wa balls, a healthy pleaser

Clitoral stimulators

It is no secret that one of the most notable female erogenous zones is the clitoris, and of course girls will welcome everything that stimulates it. This is why this sex toy has become so popular, especially the remote control version often used by couples in public places in order to increase the sexual tension that ends up being released in the most unexpected places. Definitely a fun option.

Penis rings, enjoyment for both

For a couple, a great toy to use in sex is a cock ring. This is a ring that is placed on the penis and has different functions, the first to increase blood flow to the area, providing a longer-lasting erection and delayed ejaculation, besides offering pleasure and stimulation to the sexual partner during intercourse because of its shape and material.

What are the Most Popular Sex Toys - Penis rings, enjoyment for both

Educate yourself and don't be afraid to enjoy it

Before buying any sex toy is important that you learn about their uses and the implications to take into account. Also if you plan to use them as a couple, it's important that your partner completely agrees with it, because the idea is to increase the pleasure for both and not cause discomfort. Dare to experiment and open the door to pleasure. There are also other sex toys you can try if you want to be adventurous such as a sex swing or prostate stimulators.

If you want to read similar articles to What are the Most Popular Sex Toys, we recommend you visit our Sentimental relationships category.


  • Before using any sex toys, it is important that you wash and disinfect properly. In sex shops you will find special antibacterials for this
  • Remember that sex toys are a great tool to get to know your body and enjoy being with a partner, so open your mind and experiment
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What are the Most Popular Sex Toys