How to Enjoy Sex with a Small Penis

Let's leave aside the discussion of whether size matters or not. Whether you or your partner has a small penis, or you feel like your penis is small and are worried about your sexual performance, then read on. One of the most important aspects of sex is to please your partner, but there's a deep-rooted assumption that a small penis can't do this. OneHOWTO want to debunk the myth and prove this is simply not true. There are many factors that influence sexual satisfaction. Here we'll explain how to enjoy sex with a small penis.
Do I have a small penis?
The size of an average penis can vary depending on many factors. However, the average size is from 12-15 cm (4.7 in to 5.9 in) when it's erect. So, those with a penis greater than 15 cm (5.9 in) are considered large and those with less than 12 cm (4.7 in) are considered to have a smaller penis when compared to the average.
The size of your penis should be added to its diameter. An element that can make a difference in sexual enjoyment. A woman feels pleasure in the first 10 cm (3.4 in) of the vaginal canal, so if the penis is 11 cm (4.3 in), it's sufficient to please her with penetration.
But more than the length, the thickness is very important because women achieve pleasure from friction. So, if you have a good thickness, you can provide more pleasure.

It's not just about penetration!
If you or your partner has a penis that's considered smaller than average, there are several ways to enjoy it. In principle, sex games will be essential to promote excitement and increase arousal. It's important that the sex games last long enough and that both partners work together to make them pleasurable for one another.
If you have good foreplay, you'll enjoy sex more, regardless of size.
We want to assure you that confidence and knowhow is key to having good sex. Women DO like small penises, especially if you choose effective sex positions and cater to her non-penetrative needs. Sex is not just about your manhood!

Best sex positions for a small penis
Another key to enjoying sex with a small penis is the sexual positions you choose. Depending on the angle of penetration, there are positions that favor friction and going deeper. These help guys with small penises, while others can be unsuitable if you don't have a large phallus.
Want to find out which positions are best? Then check out our article about the best positions for a small penis. Try them out and you'll notice the difference. We promise.

Anal sex
One way to enjoy sex with a small penis is to try anal sex. They work well for anal penetration as there is not so much pain for the woman, so it's not a bad idea to experiment occasionally and get satisfaction.
Similarly, oral sex can also be very enjoyable if you have a partner with a small penis. Mainly because it's much easier for the woman to perform it, making it fun for both partners.
We want to remind you to always use condoms during penetration, whether it be vaginally or anally. These will help you avoid sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

Size isn't everything
If you are a female and your partner is not so well-endowed, it's important to reassure him and let him know that sex is enjoyable with him (if it's true). If during sex, satisfaction isn't achieved, it's important to discuss it to work on those aspects that can be improved. Communication is vital for good sex. If you don't inform one another what you like and don't like, what rhythm, pace and direction work for you, your partner will have no idea.
As in any sexual scenario, it's important to explore variety and find the best ways to increase pleasure and enjoyment for both. So don't be afraid to explore new ways to enjoy sex with a small penis, thereby enhancing your sexual encounters.

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