Breaking up

Signs Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend Wants to Break Up

Alice Marini
By Alice Marini. Updated: September 5, 2024
Signs Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend Wants to Break Up

Are you looking for signs indicating that your boyfriend / girlfriend wants to break up with you? There are times in any relationship when you feel something is not going well, and you are probably right. Now, it is important to understand whether what is not working is fixable, or your partner just wants to break up. It is also important you know how to tell if your partner is cheating. Don´t worry, we will help you!

There are differences in the way boys and girls approach a break up. While women might be less straightforward, and keep postponing telling you they don´t love you anymore, men might show clearer warning signs, and they are just wanting for "the right moment" endlessly.

What´s more important is that you are prepared for the time the break up will become a reality, so you can make up your mind and talk to your partner about it. So, let´s see the signs that show your partner wants to break up, how to tell if your partner is lying, and, very important, what to do if your partner wants to leave you. Keep reading our OneHowTo. com article on signs your boyfriends / girlfriend wants to break up.

You may also be interested in: How To Know If Your Partner is Cheating Sexually
  1. Signs your partner wants to break up (for boys and girls)
  2. Signs your girlfriend wants to break up
  3. Signs your boyfriend wants to break up
  4. How to tell if your partner is cheating
  5. What to do if your partner wants to leave you

Signs your partner wants to break up (for boys and girls)

  1. He/she doesn´t talk about their day to you anymore
  2. Your partner avoids you when you are in public, they probably want to pretend they are single
  3. Sex is an excellent way to tell if your partner wants to break up. While it is normal for sex not to be so exciting after a few years in a relationship, if your partner is constantly making up excuses not to have it, or is very cold on the few occasions you are having sex, your partner probably wants to break up
  4. They suddenly change tastes: music, clothes, sports... They are into something they had never cared about before. A sudden change of tastes means a new chapter of their lives, a chapter you are not part of
  5. When you need to be apart for a few days for work or family reasons, they seem to be relieved, you can tell they don´t miss you
  6. There is no future and "we" conversation. Your partner is no longer fantasizing about a life with you, a country house, a trip, children atc. It´s a good sign your boyfriend / girlfriend wants to break up because you are not included in future plans
  7. They don´t "sponsor" your relationship on social media anymore. Actually, they hide you on Facebook and they look single on social media
  8. They avoid making plans with you; there is always something more important to do
  9. You seem to be doing everything wrong: they are just creating an excuse to break up with you
  10. They have threatened to break up with you on several occasions...they are just preparing you for the big day
  11. They are lying to you
  12. They want a break
  13. They tell you they need space

Those last three points are very clear signs your partner wants to break up. You should be prepared and know what to do if your partner wants a break, or wants space. Don´t worry, we will help you! Keep reading...

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Signs your girlfriend wants to break up

  1. She never wants to have sex, when she does, the sex is boring
  2. She is always bothered when you touch her, you always seem to be clumsy and hurt her
  3. Women love to be right in a fight, and sometimes they even love fight picking. If your girlfriend suddenly seems eager to just end the fight and let you win, or is not even interested in having an argument with you anymore, it might be a sign that your girlfriend wants to break up
  4. She doesn´t spend hours talking to you about her, her friends, gossips etc. anymore. You are no longer the first person she calls when she has something funny to tell
  5. She is suddenly not jealous anymore, in fact, she doesn´t ask you anything at all about your female friends
Signs Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend Wants to Break Up - Signs your girlfriend wants to break up

Signs your boyfriend wants to break up

  1. He suddenly loves his job and spends all day there. Maybe wants to get away from you?
  2. He seems to be annoyed by your presence, your questions etc. and every conversation ends up in a fight
  3. Your boyfriend does not answer your calls and your messages. He ignores you. That´s a clear sign your boyfriend wants to break up with you
  4. He promises you something and than breaks the promise. For example, he cancel something you had been planning for ages
  5. He is so nice to other women, actually he flirts with any pretty girl he meets, and doesn´t bother about hiding it. That is a sign your boyfriend wants to break up with you because he is not even bothering to hide it from you
Signs Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend Wants to Break Up - Signs your boyfriend wants to break up

How to tell if your partner is cheating

  1. His/her phone is always kept in the bag, facing down, in the closet... Your boyfriend or girlfriend seems to pay a lot of attention on where they put their mobile phone...fishy!
  2. Your boyfriend or girlfriend is so annoyed when you ask them questions, they make you feel nosy for a basic question
  3. The fact that they are constantly checking their phone is also a good way to tell if your partner is cheating
  4. He/she suddenly starts taking care of their looks in a way they hadn´t done in ages. Is your girlfriend suddenly waxing thoroughly once a week? Is your boyfriend suddenly spending $100 on a perfume? You can tell your partner is cheating by those details!
  5. They become obsessive about a certain activity. The Gym, martial arts, climbing... they do it everyday, and you never see them. You can ask yourself: who do they meet at the gym? They are probably cheating
  6. They have new friends, and you don´t know them, because you are never invited. Maybe your boyfriend / girlfriend is cheating on you with one of them!
  7. Your partner has fantasies about other women or men. And they seem to be much more enthusiastic about them than about you. If you are not part of their fantasies, something is going on...

If your partner is cheating that does not mean they want to break up. But are you prepared to forgive them? Or maybe they want an open relationship. Do you know what to do if your partner wants an open relationship?

You should think about how you would like to handle the issue before you confront your cheating partner. Sometimes people cheat because something is lacking in their relationship, maybe you can figure it out together.

Signs Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend Wants to Break Up - How to tell if your partner is cheating

What to do if your partner wants to leave you

Ones you observed the signs your boyfriend / girlfriend wants to break up, you should think carefully about what to do next.

We recommend you make up your mind and then confront your partner. Consider their situation: are they going through depression issues? That might be a reason why they are no more enthusiastic about your relationship. In that case you should decide whether you want to help them overcome their depression.

Do they have money problems? Is their job not going well? That is also something to consider when you decide what to do if your partner wants to leave you. Maybe they are just trying to find a culpable person for their problems. Talk to them about it.

If you are still unsure is your partner wants to break up or not, pretend you want to break up, and see their reaction? Were they relieved? Then you´ve got your answer.

Another strategy to tell if your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to break up is by trying to be very physically close to them. Try having sex, cuddling, doing something nice. Are they rejecting you? Then they probably want to break up.

Another thing you can do if your partner wants to leave you is talking to their best friend and try to understand what is going through their mind.

Anyway, the most mature thing you can do if you think your partner wants to leave you is confronting them and talking about your issues with an open mind, like adults. Be clear and say you want to know as soon as possible if they want to break up.

Signs Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend Wants to Break Up - What to do if your partner wants to leave you

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Signs Your Boyfriend / Girlfriend Wants to Break Up