How to have a threesome - Sexual fantasies

Having a threesome is one of the most popular sexual fantasies for both men and women (contrary to what many believe) and mixing the idea of double pleasure, lustfulness and the challenge that it represents, because in all honesty it's not the most common sexual situation. But to do it successfully, it is important to remember some recommendations, so at OneHowTo we give you the key points for you to discover how to have a threesome and enjoy it to the fullest.
Steps to follow:
The most common types of threesomes involve two women and one man, or two men and one woman. There are also threesomes made up of only women or only men. Of course the choice will obviously depend on your sexual preferences and the fantasy you fancy.
To have a threesome, logically, all members involved must agree and want it. We have to clearly understand that if we do this with our spouse, he or she will also have sex with another person, so make sure there's no room for jealousy. If for some reason you don't feel sure or feel uncomfortable in any way, the best is to not do it.
The first key factor is who will be the third member of this encounter. Usually threesomes are made up of a couple, a man and a woman who want to explore this fantasy, so they should (preferably) not have any emotional bond beyond carnal desire with the third member, otherwise you could end up in a complex love triangle.
Sometimes threesomes can be done with two total strangers or even with two close friends, so the good news is there's no need to be in a relationship as long as all the participants are in for the ride!
The rules should be clear from the outset between all the people involved. What can and what cannot be done, as far as where this exchange will take place, who will lead the situation, etc. In this way, there will be no problems and misunderstandings later: good fences make good neighbours.
In threesomes, using condoms is vital and they have to be changed every time you change partner. I.e. every time you go to receive penetration or give it, use another condom even if you haven't ejaculated to avoid catching any STDs, a serious and sensitive issue.
Using sex toys makes things easier in a threesome, so all involved can be pleasured. But be very careful when swapping them, as then you are in danger of catching STDs. It is better to have one for each person and not to share them.
Respect the set rules, thereby there will be no problems or awkwardness stopping you from finishing the act. Many people feel lewd or guilty after a threesome, the reality is that if you enjoyed yourself you have nothing to regret.
Rember that it should be exiting for all three of you, so don't let one of the components of the threesome feel left out, embrace both of your sexual partners.
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