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Truth or Dare Questions For Couples Over Text

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: April 16, 2019
Truth or Dare Questions For Couples Over Text

Are you looking to spice up your love life or tease your partner a little over text? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you are looking for some flirty or dirty truth or dare questions, this article is for you. If you’re in a long term relationship or simply want to excite your partner from afar, we have some tips to help you!

Keep reading and discover our oneHOWTO list over +80 truth or dare questions for couples over text.

  1. Truth or dare questions for adults
  2. Flirty truth or dare questions over text
  3. Dirty Truth or dare questions
  4. Best truth or dare questions for couples
  5. Embarrassing truth or dare questions

Truth or dare questions for adults

Have you ever played truth or dare? If not, we can assure you that this game is a great option if you’re wanting to spice up your love life and test your partner’s bravery in a fun way. In addition, truth or dare is super easy to play! All you have to do is ask your partner to choose one of the two: truth or dare? Once they’ve picked one, the game begins. If you partner has chosen dare, dare them to do something out of the ordinary. If, however, they’ve chosen truth, you can ask them any question you want and they have to reply 100% honestly!

You may be wondering, if your partner chooses dare instead of truth, how can you be sure they’ve fulfilled the dare? Well, all you have to do is ask for photographic evidence. If one of the two chooses to NOT do the dare or answer the question truthfully, that person needs face the consequences. Decide on a dirty or fun ‘punishment’ that they have to make up for later in the bedroom, for example. The best part about playing dirty truth or dare with your partner is that both of you, together, can set the mood, tone and the rules: have fun with it!

For more, we think you’ll love our article where we list a full set of the best speed dating questions.

Flirty truth or dare questions over text

Now that you know how to play this game, let’s get started! When playing truth or dare, we recommend starting off lightly and as the game continues, you can start asking more dirty truth or dare questions:

Truth or dare: questions list

  • What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
  • What’s the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
  • If you could imagine your ideal partner, how would you describe that person?
  • What’s your biggest secret in life?
  • What’s your favorite feature in a person?
  • When did you experience your first kiss?
  • Are you a virgin?
  • If the world were to end and you could only save one person, who would it be?
  • Has anyone ever betrayed you? If yes, how?
  • From 0 to 10, how would you rate yourself in terms of beauty, sympathy and intelligence?
  • Have you ever swum naked?
  • Would you ever spend the night with someone for money?
  • Have you ever sent nude photos over text?
  • Have you ever kissed more than one person in a day? and how many?
  • What one thing in your life are you most proud of?
  • Do you think you’re attractive?
  • If you could have dinner with one person in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?
  • If you were offered a time machine and you could go back in time to one memory, which would it be?
  • Have you ever lied, and what was the lie?
  • Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
  • Have you ever been cheated on?
  • What’s your technique when it comes to seducing someone?
  • If today was your last die on earth, what would you do?

Truth or dare: dares list

  • On the next date, you have to pay for everything.
  • Do as many push-ups as fast as you can in 1 minute.
  • Post an embarrassing picture of yourself on Instagram.
  • Eat a spoonful of cinnamon.
  • Knock on your neighbors door and ask if they have any extra lube lying around.
  • Give your phone up for a day.
  • Let me read all of the messages on your phone.
  • Imitate me in the best way possible.
  • Eat raw garlic.
  • Dress and make yourself up as the opposite sex and then send the picture to me.
  • Let me send a text to anyone in your contacts list.
  • Serenade me with an operatic voice.
  • Seduce me with words.
  • Jump in the pool with your clothes on.

For more game ideas, we suggest taking a look at our article where we list the best party games for adults ONLY.

Truth or Dare Questions For Couples Over Text - Flirty truth or dare questions over text

Dirty Truth or dare questions

And that that both are a little more into the game, let’s turn the heat up truth or dare over text dirty options:

Dirty truth questions over text:

  • Do you prefer being on top or bottom during sex?
  • What’s your favorite sex position?
  • Have you ever had a threesome, and if not, would you?
  • Do you prefer ‘giving’ or ‘receiving’?
  • Guess what i’m wearing right now?
  • Have you ever recorded yourself having sex, would you?
  • Tell me one sexual thing you would like to do to me?
  • What’s your weirdest fantasy?
  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in bed?
  • If I was at with you right now, what would you want to do?
  • Have you ever sexted?
  • Have you ever sent a naked picture to someone?
  • Do you prefer rough sex or more romantic sex?
  • What’s the farthest you’ve ever gone on a first date?
  • Do you watch porn?
  • What are you wearing right now?
  • What’s your most embarrassing sexual experience?
  • Do you speak or make noise during sex?
  • Who’s the oldest person you’ve ever had sex with?
  • Would you be turned on by watching your partner have sex with someone else?
  • How many people have you had sex with in your life?

Dirty dare questions over text:

  • Send me a sexy photo of yourself.
  • Send me a message where you explain in detail what you want to do to me.
  • Do a sexy dance to no music.
  • Send me a screenshot of your personal search history.
  • Send me a voice note in your sexiest voice describing your biggest fantasy.
  • Send someone a dirty text and send me the reply.
  • Send me a voice note of you pretending to have an orgasm.
  • Try to turn me on over the phone or text.
  • Send me a link to the last porn video you watched.
  • Strip tease!
  • Poll dance on an imaginary poll for 1 minute.
  • Draw what you think I would look like naked and send me the final image.

Best truth or dare questions for couples

And if you’re loving this game and don’t want to stop playing, don’t worry! We have some more good truth or dare questions for you (a little less dirty and more romantic):

Flirty truth or dare questions over text:

  • What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
  • If you could eat any food(off of me) which would it be?
  • What thing in the world do you find most irritating?
  • If you could change one feature about yourself, which would it be?
  • What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done to attract someone else?
  • What is your idea of a perfect couple’s holiday?
  • What do you consider the MOST romantic gesture?
  • Do you want a family one day?
  • How many times have you fallen/been in love?
  • Have you ever had your heart broken?
  • Have you ever used tinder? And, what did you think?
  • If you could define me as an animal,which would it be?
  • Name one thing that you could never give up.
  • What is your biggest turn-on?

Dare questions for couples:

  • Take a picture of your favorite body part and send it to me.
  • Twerk for me.
  • Sing me to sleep.
  • Send me a voice-note where you whisper one of your darkest secrets.
  • Make a funny tinder account and send it to me.
  • Tell me how much you love me while doing star-jumps.
  • Write me a poem and then read it to me by only whispering.
  • Narrate a sex story of the two-of us together.
Truth or Dare Questions For Couples Over Text - Best truth or dare questions for couples

Embarrassing truth or dare questions

For more great truth or dare questions or fun question games, keep reading our following articles:

If you want to read similar articles to Truth or Dare Questions For Couples Over Text, we recommend you visit our Sentimental relationships category.

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Truth or Dare Questions For Couples Over Text